The walls of the fort are now buried in dirt and there are walking paths along them all, with drop offs of up to 20 feet on one side and no rails. It was a great place to walk around, but needless to say this caused some conflict between Ethan, who wanted to walk all around by himself, and his parents who want him to live to see his 4th birthday. There were a lot of people there sunbathing and picnicing. We had our own picnic there and managed to get Ethan home with just one minor spill down a steep-ish path.
Here he is enjoying some space.
At the bottom of the hill there is a little road is one of the only ones here that looks like a real European road - narrow cobblestones with outdoor coffee shop on either side. After some cappuccinos (adults) and ice creams (kids), we were off again.
The next stop was an indoor play place called Zitrus Lekeland. It had your typical inflatable obstacle course type thing, kid-habitrail with slides kind of thing, air hockey, plus 2 trampolines. The place was empty when we got there (everyone else must have been outside on such a nice day) so adults and kids all had some good trampoline time.
Finally it was time to go. Gwyneth got in to a discussion with an older Norwegian lady she was sitting next to on the bus. It started out in English, but ended up in Norwegian. The lady was a bit...umm...odd. Ethan fell asleep on the bus again, which is where he still lies. When we got home the boy next door was flying his RC airplane around the yard with his dad. Gwyneth, who is playing with this boy more frequently now, wanted to join them. They gave her a turn and she promptly flew the plane over the roof and out of sight. A long search involving several people ensued, but the plane was nowhere to be found. After about an hour, everyone had given up and we had made plans to buy them a new one. The neighbor parents were chatting and I guess one of them spotted the plane - on the roof next door. A trip up the ladder by the father and the plane was retrieved. At this moment the kids are outside playing with it again, no doubt trying to find a more fiendish way of losing it.
The much anticipated football match between Rosenborg and Molde has just ended in a 2-2 draw, and the fans are now streaming out from across the street. Walking around today we saw quite a few people wearing the colors of either Molde (blue) or Rosenberg (black and white).
Editor's note - In the paragraph starting "Finally..." it sounds like we left Ethan on the bus. We didn't. I just meant he was still asleep.