Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lets go to the doctor!

So the day started with Ethan crying while he went pee and saying that it hurts. Partnered with the fact that the other day he went pee every 10 to 15 minutes we thought he might have a urinary tract infection. So after a call to Christian (our host) and Ethan crying again on the potty off we went to the hospital. Oh, and the other symptom that Ethan was having was we noticed a little blood on the outside of his stool once or twice since we've been here. (Sorry for the graphic description!)

We got to see the doctor after waiting a little while and they took Ethan's blood (he didn't flinch or cry when then stuck him with the needle even as they wiggled it around). We managed to get him to pee in a cup too. After all the tests, everything came up normal (except for elevated protein in his urine which they still want to check out again). They think it was just a strange coincidence of things and that we should still keep an eye on his stool (oh joy). The doctor spoke perfect english (he turned out he was Irish in fact) and the nurses could speak some but not as fluent. The funniest quote of the day came from the nurse who took Ethan's blood. As we were leaving she said to Ethan - "I hope you stay wealthy!". Me too. The grand total for the doctor's visit and tests - $27. We happily paid it.

So here we are back at home. We had a dinner of "ham chops". We bought something that looked like a pork chop with a bone in the grocery store. However, after cooking and tasting it we realized that it was ham. It was tasty, so all was good. We had one more of our (rationed) beers with dinner. Only 2 left!

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