Today there was a prediction of rain and it was raining when Nic and Ethan got up. I'm not sure what time that was but by the time Gwyneth and I rolled out of bed at 9AM it had stopped. I did make some breakfast of scrambled eggs with fried mushrooms, tomatoes, and ham on the side. (Although I am fairly certain that Nic had already eaten some cereal). The kids sucked down some Pain du Chocolate as usual. We lazed around for a bit after breakfast trying to figure out what to do today with the threat of rain still on the horizon.
Oh I guess the big event was Nic spilling his coffee on the couch as a result of Ethan (big surprise) bumping into him. It was a large spill. Luckily the couch was slip covered and we could remove the 2 seat cushions with stains. The labels said we could wash them ... so we did. Tonight all is well, and you would never know that anything had happened.
Eventually it was lunchtime so we ate and it didn't seem like the kids wanted to go out very at all. They were still having fun with the Lego set. It also looked like Ethan needed a nap, so we let G & E watch a movie. Nic took a little snooze on the chair, since the couch was no longer available. I decided to go out and scout a few things since we were not sure how far some things were.

First stop for me was the zoo and about a 20 minute walk. The section of town wasn't all that nice that I had to walk through but I did see 2 playgrounds on the way. As they told me in the tourist office there really is not convenient way to get there by bus. The only entrance that I could see was accessed by a pedestrian mall which was a longish walk from the nearest bus stop. It really is looking like we could use a stroller here. We are so close to the center that the buses are of too much use to us. We really are within walking distance of all the interesting sights withing Amiens. After circling the zoo and determining that indeed this was the only entrance I headed back towards the center and the old section of town near the canals.

The first thing that I noticed that was that everything was quiet on Sunday. No stores were open and there were not many people out. My favorite shopping place - the Carrefour - is closed on Sunday. Another grocery chain store across the street - the Match - said it was open on Sunday from 8:30AM to 11:45AM. Good to know for the future I guess. I found things a bit bustling around the cathedral as it was open. The 2 surrounding gift shops were open too and I just had to go in. In one of them I overhead a funny conversation between an American just speaking English trying to ask if he could get his purchase "bubble wrapped" because he was riding a bike and the French gift shop worker just saying she didn't understand. He kept repeating himself but always in English as if eventually she would get it. Finally he said he had a French speaking friend who was still in the cathedral who he would ask for help. I didn't stick around to see the result. And I didn't feel like jumping in as I thought he deserved it for not at least throwing one French word into the conversation.

Next stop was another park area called the Hortillonnages. It is a large marshy area connected with pieces of land connected by a series of canals. The land us used for gardening, fishing, etc ... now by the people in the Picardie area. There was also a rather large nice park that I took a walk around. I saw this nice Grey Heron - there you go dad - I identified a bird. There were some other ducks and things swimming around too. I am fairly certain that some of them were coots but I will need to examine my pictures more closely.

The park also had a very nice looking playground that I will have to take the kids back too. Okay, so this was not it but the playground did have a smaller version of this rope climbing thing. I may need to make sure that Ethan doesn't see this one or else he may want to go to the top. There were lots of people in the park so I guess that is what you can do besides go to the Cathedral on a Sunday. It had lots of nice paths and bridges to talk around on and I am sure that I can have some fun with the kids there.

Last stop before heading home was to find the place where you could take a boat ride (about 40 minutes) through the canals. I finally found it, but it was bit hidden. I am finding that unless you know where something is you may just walk right by it .... Anyway this looked like it will be fun with the kids on another day. I headed home and it was probably another 20 minute walk back through the center of town. I walked down the large pedestrian mall and I found a bakery that was open so I purchased a baguette (.88 euro or about $1) for dinner. My French was going fine until she told me how much it was .... for some reason it is hard to comprehend the numbers, it seems like they are speaking so fast. Anyway, I eventually got it quarte-vingt-huit or four-twenties and eight. So I walked the rest of the way home in the spitting rain with my baguette and probably got there about 5:30PM.
Nic and Gwyneth got dinner ready. She really has been excited about cooking and helping out on this trip. I will need to make sure she keeps her enthusiasm up when we get home to Colorado - it could prove useful. We had some gnocchi, with some sauteed chicken breasts and zucchini. Of course we had the baguette with some cheese too. We also opened the 5 euro bottle of Bordeaux which did seem to taste better than the 2 euro version, but I am really not much of a wine connoisseur. The kids inhaled a chocolate bar for dessert. I got 3 chocolate bars (the big ones, 100g) from the Carrefore for 1.5 euros .... a veritable bargain. Before they got it they had to say some phrases in French first ..... which they did and it was cute. Nic and I each ate one of the Amiens Macaroons that Veronique had given us a gift. They are a specialty of the region and oh so tasty. It is made out of almonds and other things and to me it tastes like a compacted Angel Food Cake .... if that makes any sense. They are yummy and I'm sure we'll be bringing some of those home. I have already spotted the place that they come from - Jean Trogneux - and I know where to get more.
After dinner Ethan fell asleep in Nic's arms while watching soccer on the computer I think. Gwyneth did some Singapore math. She is almost done with her 4th grade books. We had promised her a Wii when she finishes them and it looks like we are going to have to pay up soon. Veronique gave us a sup rise visit (luckily the apartment wasn't too messy and we had the couch back together!). She was dropping by to tell us about her car that we can use while we are here. We fumbled though a half French/half English conversation. So it looks like we will have some wheels to take a few day trips. Yahoo.
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